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I live right where they have the snirt run, but did not participate. hundreds of wheelers passed by my house, I did not receive ANY property damage or any aggravation!! I think ya'll should find something else to b*tch about. maybe if u could ,one, afford a wheeler and two, afford to participate maybe that stick up your a** would fall out and u might start enjoying life a little! there is always going to be an a** hole to take advantage and ruin it for the others who where simply just enjoying a nice ride.
Designed to deliver a narrow sound beam of coverage, akin to the beam of light from a flashlight, the Audio Spotlight speakers feature a 90% reduction in sound level just a single step outside of their beam. Harnessing the directivity of the Holosonic speaker, Vuitton was able to provide discreet localized sound to its shoppers, even within the larger overall sound aesthetic of the store. According to Cardoso, "The architects of Louis Vuitton were excited about the flexibility of the Audio Spotlight technology," and eager to seek ways to incorporate it into future in-store advertising campaigns..
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